Dear Senseis and Kendo friends!
Kenshikan Vienna is happy to invite you to the 26th International Kendo Donaucup.
It will open on the 15th and 16th of March 2025, in Vienna City, Austria.
This year, we are making our tournament more comfortable.
Of course, we are inviting experienced higher Dan Senseis as referees.
We wish you all would be happy to participate.
Contact: donaucup@kenshikan.at
Form Sender: donaucup@kenshikan.at
There's a possibility that the time may be modified!!
15.03. Saturday
08:30 Open & Shinai check
10:00 Ceremony
12:30 Men A Individual
12:30 Women Individual
12:30 Men B Individual
18:00 Ceremony
Ji geiko
16.03. Sunday
08:00 Open & Shinai check
09:00 Ceremony
12:30 Team Tournament
16:00 Ceremony
17:00 Close
15. March
Men A Individual
Men B Individual
- Higher Dan grades
- 16+ yrs
*Born 2009 or earlier
- Lower Dan grades + Kyu
- 16+ yrs
*Born 2009 or earlier
※We may devide into two groups depending on the number of participants and grades.
Women Individual
- No grade restriction
- 16+ yrs
*Born 2009 or earlier
16. March
- No gender and grade restriction
- 5 members competition
- 16+ yrs
*Born 2009 or earlier
**Max. 7 members can be registered
1 Day Entry / 30 EUR
Individual or Team
2 Day Entry / 45 EUR
Individual & Team
Name of account: Kenshikan Vienna
IBAN Code: AT16 2011 1848 6851 9500
Form Sender: donaucup@kenshikan.at

Ballsportgymnasium Wien
Erdbergstraße 186, 1030 Wien
By Car: Highway A23, Erdberg
By Bus: close to Vienna International Busterminal
By Subway U3: close to Erdberg Station

Rioca Vienna Posto 2
Viehmarktgasse 4, 1030 Wien
Web: Aparthotel Wien | Rioca Vienna Posto 2
Form Sender: donaucup@kenshikan.at
GDPR / Data Privacy Issues / DSGVO With your registration (individual registration, team registration or dojo club registration), you agree that personal data e.q. full name, e-mail-address, age, country, name of your dojo club are administratively used for the Donaucup event by Kenshikan Vienna. The usage of the data complies to the rules and regulations of GDPR (DSGVO) Usage of data I, as a registered attendee, or the registered team or the registered kendo dojo club agree, that media like pictures and/or movies taken at the Donaucup event can be posted on the homepage of Kenshikan Vienna or on social media for activities related to public relations.